Printing Specifications
1. Bleed: Indicates the portion of the card that will be trimmed off when cut to the final size. The purpose of the bleed is to continue colour, image or design to the edge of the card.
Include 2mm bleed all round outside trim
2. Safe Edge: Keep minimum 3mm of safety margin between the crop & important design elements. Critical Elements (text, images, logo etc.) should be located within 3mm of crop or fold.
3. Images: All images / graphics must be embedded or supplied. Resolution must be 300dpi
4. Colour Mode: All files should be converted to CMYK, not RGB or Pantone (pantone only when spot colours are ordered)
5. Fonts: Ensure fonts are fully embedded or outlined
6. Any double sided print is recommended to be saved into separate files.
Eg: (1) companyname_A4Flyer_front
(2) companyname_A4Flyer_back
7. Acceptable File Format: We accept files in PDF, EPS or AI Format. We do not accept files produced by document processing applications such as MS Word, MS Excel etc.
8. BLACK Recommendation: Use 100% K for all text and line work. Use 100% K 45% C for a deep black background. Never use Photoshop's default black setting.